Wednesday, October 16, 2013

It's always the Portions

So I lost a bunch of weight in 2011, and was maintenance all of 2012.  Now here it is the fall of 2013 and I am a good 5lbs heavier then I want to be. I know it is "only" 5 lbs. But if I let that 5lbs slide, then when the NEXT five pounds comes creeping up, the first 5lbs will feel normal, and the vicious cycle will continue. Before I know it I will be up 15-20 lbs and think, where did it come from? When I know good and well where it came from. It came from donuts and chips and just overeating in portion sizes.

Here's the way it works for me.  *reads back of package* Okay, I can have 3 of these.  *eats three* Then fast forward 3 months, well I have been eating 3 just fine for all this time with no bad effects. I am going to try 6!!!!!!!!!  *eats 6*  OH MAN WHY DO I FEEL SO AWFUL!!??  Then the next time do I learn my lesson? No. I eat 6, but I don't feel awful this time. Then all of a sudden 3 is out the window never to be thought of again and 6 is the new norm.  It's a VICIOUS cycle. 

So what do I have to do? I have to have some DADGUM DISCIPLINE. I have to just force it back and it sucks. Because now my body WANTS 6. Now my body is screaming that it is starving. Now my stomach is falling out of my body in this desperate little flop. Like, oh plllleeeease feed me. Don't you love me? And my Mind has this hot poker, and is like BACK! BACK YOU SLUG! You have had an appropriate amount of food in you. You don't NEED EXTRA SUGAR! And my stomach is all, but I wannttzzzzz it.  It's MY precious! 

Do you see what I am dealing with here?  So here is me, hot poker in hand, ready to battle. Let's go stomach.

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