Monday, July 9, 2012

Smashing the little voice in the face

I have been a runner since last September when I boldly set out on my lunch hour with week 1 day 1 of c25k. It was a struggle. I second guessed myself during every single run. I had to repeat weeks because I would give up. I just fought myself continuously. Since completing it, I have kept running, but it was sporadic at best. I did some 5k’s, improved my time, but never much farther than that.

When I was showed up at a race by someone who had never ran before in her life, I made the decision to really start training. So I joined a half marathon group. The first attempt at running with them, I realized that they were just too slow for me. I found another group that worked out better, and at the end of our leisurely morning run, I found out that I had just ran 5 miles ( a whole mile farther than I had ever done before) and it was a full marathon group. So after thinking on it, I ran with them again the next weekend. Just like that I switched the next 5 months of training from 13.1 miles to 26.2 miles. My brand new 13.1 sticker sure looks silly on the back of my car! ;)

Last week I realized the voice is gone. That pesky, irritating, whiny, irrational, stupid voice. After 10 months of listening to it… it’s just completely disappeared. I don’t even know what happened to it. One minute I am thinking there’s no way you can run 13.1 miles; and the next I am completely cool, confident, and fine with the distance. Not only am I fine with it, I just go ahead and double it to 26.2. I don’t have any issues at all. I just show up, my mind goes blank, and I run. it is SO WONDERFUL! If you are like me and hear that voice, just have faith, and whatever you do, keep running

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