Monday, February 13, 2012

Wardrobe Malfunction

Saturday was my second race to run. It was a 4 mile Poker Run, where you got cards as you ran along and you got a prize at the end depending on how well you did. (I got a super fun nerdy black running t-shirt that had a math equation on the front, LOVED it!)

My first race I discovered several wardrobe malfunctions and I was determined to correct them this second time. So I planned out my outfit the night before. I had my favorite socks to run in (not running socks, this may be a future purchase for me), my new shoes, my running pants, and 3 different types of layers for the top so I could peel if necessary. I went to bed content.... (and of course this is when you queue the dramatic music we see in reality shows- and the camera pans to what I am forgetting and you all gasp in shock that I could forget it in the first place).

So 6:30 am my alarm goes off and I jump up all excited... well I was pretty sore so I think it was an actual roll out and a shuffle- but this is my life so pretend I'm being all excited and I just come out of bed naturally with perfect hair and make up. I got dressed in all my layers, ate my healthy carbohydrate fueled breakfast and opened up the door to THE COLDEST WINDS EVER!
Excuse me?? We have been enjoying 60 degrees for the last month! What is this?? Winter or something??

I promptly shut the door and started scrambling for a hat and gloves. The first hat I could find was my husband's sock puppet hat. I shrugged and jammed it on my head. The last race had men in ladies dresses and wigs, so I felt my sock puppet would fit right in. Then I reached into my purse to grab my gloves. I knew they were in there because I had just worn them earlier in the week and I always stick them right back in. (queue dramatic noise again, camera pans over to highlight my two nosy toddlers rooting around in my purse for candy) One of my gloves was MISSING! *gasp! shock! horror!*

I started panicking, the race started at 8 and we were getting close to 7:10 by this time. I look in every drawer I can, under the couch, in the living room toy bins, and I even run out to my car to see if it had fallen into the floor board. With absolutely ZERO luck. Remember, its absolutely freezing and it's Oklahoma- where the wind comes sweeping down the plains- so the wind was gusting at 30mph. I head back in and I just start looking for ANY gloves I could find. And what did I settle on? One of my 3 year old daughters' pink and white striped gloves. If I stretched it REALLY tight it covered about half of my hand.

Never one to call it quits, I yanked the pink glove on and went out the door. When I got there I tried to hand proof of payment to the guy and he told me, "oh I trust you. if you are here you are either an idiot or a runner." I looked down at my pink glove and I knew it was a whole lot of both.
Long story short, I ran a mile farther than I had ever run before, and averaged 11 minute miles- which was faster than I had ever done before. Mischief Managed.